Dare to Trust - Spirits@Work
Join me and witness the leap of faith that enables you to embrace your heart. Get insights and encouragement to Dare to Trust. And ultimately to Dare to be Yourself: yourself with all you know, with all you understand, at any time point in the endeavor called life!

This book is a mix of channeled spiritual messages and reflections along the Kathrin’s path to be able to live again from her heart while being on the journey called life. It is about a passage to find the true self without knowing that she was on a journey to connect much deeper with the universe. She follows her heartbeat, step-by-step, beat by beat, as nature’s rhythm is essential in Dare to Trust.
What is the overall theme?
The title summarizes the concept – Dare to Trust – to trust that there is another layer in our world, in our universe, which is filled with supporting entities such as guiding spirits. It’s about opening your heart; about allowing contact between human beings and the spiritual world. And ultimately it is about daring to be Yourself: yourself with all you know, with all you understand, at any time point in the endeavor called life.
What is on the book cover?
Is it an U.F.O or a bird with 4 legs? Those are questions that have raised already regarding that picture. It is however a bird that dives into water and you only see it’s legs and their reflection on the still surface. A bird immersed into an uncommon environment and yet fully conscious on its path like when we as humans trustingly get in contact with spirits, it can be overwhelming as it is uncommon but the more we do it the more we get confidence and trust in doing so.
(16.02.18, 963.6K)
Kirkus Review
A self-help book featuring accounts of channeled communication by empath, shamanic healer, management consultant, and debut author Wyss.
Conclusion: The addition of spirit-channeling to basic spiritual messages makes this an offbeat offering in a crowded genre
Read the whole independent review by clicking here
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ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-5043-8608-1
ISBN 13 (HARD): 978-1-5043-8607-4
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-5043-8648-7